The Path of Womb Remembrance






Walking the Spiral + Weaving the Web Are Now Open for Enrollment 












The Women That Have Been Called to Walk the Path of Womb Remembrance...


Are ready to step deeper into the void of their womb, feeling the fear of what they may discover but are willing to go there anyway


Are ready to embrace the ease and flow of life without the constant pressure of forcing what's not ready to be birthed just yet


Are ready to be met with an honest and truthful reflection of where they're at in life to face why they keep making the choice to stay small


Know that walking this Path is ultimately going to push them to the edge of their comfort, but will also guide them as they step past the threshold into a bigger expansion of what they thought possible


Are okay with being vulnerable and are accepting of what the vulnerability brings up for them


Are ready to be unapologetically in their power when it comes to their life, their business, their fertility, their pregnancies, their health, their wealth and so much more in the intrinsic facet of being a woman 


Are ready to be accountable, fully accepting and hold full self responsibility for the choices that they make in the world
Are ready to co-create the reality they were alway meant to have?
I'm Ready!

There are 3 Mentorship spaces available in Walking the Spiral and up to 6 Mentorship spaces available in Weaving the Web


Which journey are you willing to take? The choice is yours below

Walking the Spiral


1:1 Guidance and Devoted Support creating the space for you to venture into the void of your womb while knowing you have a tether of reflection, honesty and truth holding you throughout the journey.

I'm Ready

Weaving the Web


Group Guidance and Devoted Support that weaves the web of feminine power, brings healing to the wounds of sisterhood and allows you to cultivate a deeper sense of knowing who you are while being fully witnessed in your transformation.

These groups will have 3 - 6 women per cycle
Let's Weave

Walking the Spiral


1:1 Private Mentorship

My Devotion to You:


 3 Cycles (months) of Support
2 Connection Sessions via Zoom per Month
Honest Reflection of What I See and Experience As We Work Together
Guidance + Witnessing of You Stepping into Your Full Accountability
 Story Medicine + Real World Examples for a Deeper Understanding of Your Path
Meditation, Breath Work, Journal Prompts, Somatic Work, Embodiment Practices and Cyclical Rituals, etc. for Further Integration
Reflective Listening + Space Holding for All Parts of You That Show Up As We Walk Together
WhatsApp Access to Deepen Our Connection
Discounted Price if You Want Join Cyclical Woman 
Affiliate Opportunity Once You've Finished Cyclical Woman
Access to all my available Guide Books


*discount + affiliate only applies after the 2nd cycle has been held*  




Into the Void:


Internal + External Cycle Exploration 
Somatic Womb Attunement Practices
Sacred YES + Wise NO Boundary Evolution 
Investigation into Your Shadow Self
Tapping into Your Internal Oracle
Interpreting Your Wombs Language
Ritual Creation Guidance

3 Cycles (months) - 1 Season


3 + 6 Month Payment Plans Available

I'm Ready to Walk!

 Weaving the Web


Group Mentorship

Our Devotion to the Web:


3 - 6 Women only to Keep the Intimacy
3 Cycles (months) of Group Support
2 Expansive + Integrative Sessions via Zoom per Month
Group Reflection of Where Each Woman Is At As We Experience And Work Together
Group Witnessing of Every Woman Stepping Fully into Her Accountability
Story Medicine + Real World Examples for a Deeper Understanding of Your Path
Meditation, Breath Work, Journal Prompts, Somatic Work, Embodiment Practices and Cyclical Rituals, etc. for Further Integration
Reflective Listening + Space Holding for All Parts of You That Show Up As We Walk Together
Private Community Platform + WhatsApp Group to Deepen Our Connection
Discounted Price if You Want Join Cyclical Woman 
Affiliate Opportunity Once You've Finished Cyclical Woman
Access to all my available Guide Books

*discount + affiliate only applies after the 2nd cycle has been held*  




Creating the Web:


Internal + External Cycle Exploration
Art of Holding Space + Reflective Listening
Women's Space/Circle Creation
Menarche Reclamation Ceremony
Somatic Womb Attunement Practices
Sacred YES + Wise NO Boundary Evolution 
Group Witnessing of Your Shadow Self
Tapping into Yours and the Other Women's Internal Oracle
 Ritual Creation Guidance for Yourself and Others

3 Cycles (months) - 1 Season


3 + 6 Month Payment Plans Available

Let's Weave!

Walking the Spiral


$2200 for 3 Cycles (months)


1:1 Guidance and Devoted Support 

I'm Ready to Walk!

Weaving the Web


$1500 for 3 Cycles (months)


Group Guidance and Devoted Support 

These groups will have 3 - 6 women per cycle
Let's Weave!